Born and raised here in Wyoming, IL, in the late 70s, things were a little easier as a kid. We rode our bikes all over town, ran to the Dime Store to get our candy, and knew to be home when the streetlights came on. And every year in June we knew the best times of the summer were here…. Spoon River Days! We knew that an epic weekend would soon follow when the semis pulled into town with the rides and stands.
We would ride our bikes up and watch the carnival started to take form, it was all we could talk about. The never-ending parade with the Shriners’ cars and don’t forget the large sweaty man with the sword! In the kiddie parade, we all took part in dressing up in whatever we could throw together. The downtown had lots of participation from local clubs and store owners. Storefronts were decorated with pictures and posters of Spoon River Days of the past.
Then it was nighttime, the town came out folding chairs and all to watch the band play on the semi-trailer while the kids danced all night long. Then Sunday came, and we watched them tear it down and leave the town. We had spent piggy banks on cotton candy, lemonade shakeups, elephant ears, funnel cakes, rides, and games. We were tired and dirty from all the action and excitement, and it was time to get our rest and save up for next year.
Therefore, we want to bring this back, not for us entirely, but so the kids and our town can feel this way. It has been too long, and the time is now! Let’s build Spoon River Days back up. Let’s get excited and a little nostalgic!
Take a look through our events listed below. Most are FREE to the public, thanks to some great sponsors! For any that require prior registration, you will find that information under the "More Info" tabs.
We could not make this happen without the local community, volunteers, or very generous sponsors. If you are interested in sponsoring an event or the festival as a whole, please contact us at the portal below.